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13 October 2023

SVG with GIF inside. How to freeze the animation?

We discovered that you can place animated GIFs inside of the SVG. This makes freezing animation very interesting problem. Example is on the site Neutec

GIF inside SVG


Here is a way to freeze it with javascript:

const image = document.querySelector('#Layer_1 image[*|href$=".gif"]');

if (image) {
    const c = document.createElement('canvas');
    const w = c.width = image.getAttribute('width');
    const h = c.height = image.getAttribute('height');

    c.getContext('2d').drawImage(image, 0, 0, w, h);
    image.setAttributeNS('', 'href', c.toDataURL('image/gif'));

Dealing with ShadowDOM with jQuery

Recently we started testing and we wanted to take screenshots of the dropdown menu and search box, but they were implemented as components with shadowDOM.
2 mins read read

7 Must use WordPress plugins for business websites and why to use them

WordPress plugins are widely used to add some new functionality or to extend the existing functionality on the website.

There are several WordPress plugins are available for WordPress users.

If you’re running a business website, there are multiple plugins that you can install to improve the performance of your website.

If you’re looking to add the perfect plugin to your WP site, it will take a lot of time and effort.

We’ve already check reviewed some incredible and must-have WordPress plugins that are relevant to the business website.

4 min read

Diffy helps your QA team

to ensure that websites don't get visual bugs